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PCHE Gov't Funded Homeschool Program Policy

August 2024

PCHE limits its membership to families who desire to homeschool their children completely and totally free of any government influence. We do not question the sincerity or Christian commitment of those families who chose to do otherwise, but PCHE is committed to helping ensure that future generations will have the ability to legally homeschool their children independent of any government controls.

Following is a visual clarification chart of who can be included in PCHE membership.


Child Traditionally Homeschooled

(Sports and/or up to 2 public or private school classes OK)

Child participates in a Government Funded Home Education Program along with traditional homeschooling

Child enrolled full time in a school (to include Public, Private and Charter Schools) either at a school or online

Child enrolled full time in College (including dual crediting)


Parent directed, Parent funded

Parent and Teacher directed; Gov’t and Parent Funded

Teacher Directed

Government or Parent Funded

Teacher Directed

Parent Funded or Gov’t Funded



Home School Enrichment Programs funded by the state

Public School

Private School

Charter School

Early College

College, community college, online college

PCHE Membership

Child – Allowed

Family – Allowed

Child – Not Allowed

Family – Not Allowed

Child  - Not Allowed

Family – Allowed, if other children in family are traditionally homeschooled

Child – Not Allowed

Family – Allowed, if other children in family are traditionally homeschooled

In addition, in order to remain a strong support group, follow PCHE’s Mission Statement, and remain independent from any Government Funded homeschool programs, we will not promote, endorse, or announce any Government Funded homeschool programs in writing or at meetings. This includes, but is not limited to, announcements, emails, flyers, website advertisements, or articles. In keeping with our current policy of protecting the privacy of our member families, neither PCHE nor PCHE members may make the mailing list or email list available to any Government Funded homeschool program representatives.