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Dear Friend,

Welcome and thank you so much for your interest in PCHE. Whether you are new to homeschooling or have just recently moved to the area, we are here to walk side by side with you on your homeschooling journey and to help you follow the Lord's leading in your family's homeschooling endeavors.

PCHE is a homeschooling support group which offers educational and social activities for homeschooled children, provides parents with mentoring, support, information, and encouraging fellowship for the homeschooling journey, and promotes Christ-Centered, Parent-Directed, Non-Government funded homeschooling.

We are made up of parents actively involved in providing a Christ-centered, quality education for their children, spiritually, morally, and academically. We teach our children Christ-like character and godly wisdom, impacting many generations to come. We believe it is the ultimate responsibility of parents to train their children in the ways of God and in the knowledge needed to participate in society according to God's standards.

Membership fees are $30 per family per year with the fee pro-rated for those joining mid-year. Alumni members (members who have graduated all of their children) are asked to pay $10 per year to cover the website fee. Single parents, as well as missionaries, are welcomed into membership at no cost. Membership scholarships are available in cases of extreme financial hardship at the discretion of the Leader(s).

Being a member user of the PCHE website allows you to:

  1. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
  2. Post events that you organize.
  3. Make and receive comments/questions on our homeschooling forum.
  4. View legislative alerts.
  5. Read any of PCHE’s documents.
  6. Check out field trip ideas and information on how to organize one.
  7. Research homeschooling from our many website links.
  8. Find information on enrichment classes or educational resources.
  9. Buy, sell or trade used books, curriculum, bunk beds, pianos, etc.
  10. Advertise your home business, skills or trade in our Business Directory.
  11. Learn about CHEC events.
  12. Receive communication on PCHE events and forum activity, as well as, a weekly Sunday morning email newsletter.

HSLDA also offers PCHE members a discount- see the HSLDA tab under PCHE resources section on our secure site once your membership has been approved to get the information you need to sign up for this discount.

Parker Christian Home Educators is a support group only, providing various activities, educational opportunities, and information for its members. The support group does not counsel nor is it responsible for how its member families homeschool, the curriculum they use, record keeping, testing, or any legality connected to homeschooling. Nothing we state or print constitutes legal advice.

As an unincorporated and uninsured support group, we require all members attending any support-group-sponsored event to accept responsibility for their family members and to not hold other members, leaders, or activity organizers responsible or liable for injury to themselves or their children (including but not restricted to: behavior, injuries, breakage, lost or stolen items, etc.). Parents are expected to carry their own insurance and directly supervise their children at all times. One parent must be present at any PCHE event/activity you attend, unless otherwise noted and a permission slip is submitted.

Any problem with PCHE that is not resolved internally will be resolved with a Christian reconciliation service, Peacemakers.

Membership Policy March 2016

We welcome any family who desires to homeschool their children completely and totally free of any Government Funded Programs for homeschoolers. Please read our Government Homeschool Policy found at https://www.pche.org/info/pche-govt-funded-policy to see if you and your family fit our requirements. If you have questions regarding how your family fits this policy or about whether a program is a government funded homeschool program, please send an email with your name and phone number to [email protected] and someone will contact you. We do not question the sincerity or Christian commitment of families who choose a government funded homeschool program, but PCHE is committed to helping ensure that future generations will have the ability to legally homeschool their children independent of any government controls. If you decide at a later time to enroll in one of these programs, you will need to withdraw from PCHE membership. Furthermore, in order to provide quality support for our members, PCHE may need to implement a membership cap at some point in the future.

Also, the PCHE Board of Directors concurs with the following HSLDA policy. This will apply to all PCHE leadership and members.

"HSLDA believes that the foundation of the freedom to homeschool is built, in part, on the traditional family. Marriage is between one man and one woman. We have consistently lobbied for the preservation of traditional marriage in our law and Constitution. Accordingly, to avoid a conflict of interest, HSLDA will not accept into membership any persons involved in same sex 'marriage,' civil unions, or polygamy."

The PCHE board reserves the right to withdraw the membership of any PCHE member found not to be in accordance with this membership policy.

Registration Process

We have an online registration and payment system. The entire transaction is completely secure. Once you click the "click here to register" icon below, you will be at the registration page. Please fill in your information as completely as possible as it will be used to compile our PCHE Directory. Items with an asterick are required, but you may opt out of having some of the information published in our on-line directory visible only to members by checking or unchecking boxes within the registration form or under your family profile once you are able to log-in. Nothing will be published online until you are approved. 

After clicking continue at the bottom of this page, you should see a screen that tells you your request for membership has been submitted, but you also need to click on "add to cart".  Here you will be taken to a secure online payment processor. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this page. At PayPal, you may pay with either your credit card or PayPal account. After payment is completed, you will be done with the registration process. You will receive an email from both PCHE and PayPal.

Upon receipt of your registration and payment, your information will be reviewed by our Membership Facilitator, who will make a follow-up phone call to you before approving your membership. Once you have spoken with our Membership Facilitator and are approved, you will have complete access to the PCHE website.